Platinum Chiropractic & East Auckland - The right fit

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Dr Logan. I grew up in Pukekohe, in the south end of Auckland. I was drawn to chiropractic as a young fella playing high-level sports and wanting the best for my recovery and performance. It wasn't until I went and visited a chiropractor and was properly educated on the vast array of benefits that chiropractic can have on the body not only from a sporting perspective but on cognition as well. 

How Chiropractic caught my attention

I found it really interesting whilst completing my chiropractic degree about the impact corrections to the spinal structure can initiate neuroplastic changes and cortical drive. What this means is that these corrections to the foundation of our body - our spine - result in the ability to contract our muscles harder but with less fatigue throughout the movement which will positively impact one's performance. At Platinum Chiropractic, we do just that. We have a passion for improving out body’s foundation so we can improve its function.

Why Platinum Chiropractic?

I was drawn to Platinum Chiropractic for several reasons. I have always loved being involved in the community and partaking in several sports at a time. Platinum Chiropractic has a large involvement in the community by way of clubs, charities and sporting organizations. This allows people ease of access to care and fantastic education surrounding our amazing profession.Another reason I was drawn to Platinum Chiropractic was their approach to chiropractic and how it was different to most other chiropractors. The specific approach that improving your body’s structure has a direct impact on how your body is able to function is something I have resonated with for a long time. By improving the body's structure we will not only get you well, but keep you well.

Now let me help you!

I’m really looking forward to creating lifelong connections throughout the East Auckland community. If you think this is something you or your business could be interested in, get in touch so we can organise spinal assessments/workshops.


Alleviating stress through Chiropractic Care: A holistic approach


Managing Chronic Inflammation caused by Modern Lifestyles: The Role of Chiropractic Care